Wonder Woman is voiced by Abby Trott, who is certainly a prolific voice actress. Some of them are even voiced by a few people you may recognize. Ultimate’s behemoth roster of 89 playable characters (including echo fighters), MultiVersus still has plenty of familiar faces to get gamers interested. While it’s going to take a while for MultiVersus to rival Super Smash Bros. Given all the leaks we’ve heard and progress we’ve seen, it’s only a matter of time until even more recognizable characters make the jump to MultiVersus. Currently, the title sports 17 playable characters with an additional two confirmed fighters, Rick and Morty, on the way. MultiVersus may still technically be in its beta period, but the game is quickly expanding its library of playable characters.
While MultiVersus doesn’t play exactly like Super Smash Bros., it still recognizes the importance of a strong roster. probably wouldn’t be half as popular as it is if the game didn’t feature an all-star cast of characters voiced by fitting actors. Mascot fighters live and die by the quality of their rosters.